Welcome First State Craft Guild Member!

Please use the below form to provide the details that will be listed on your Membership Bio and Portfolio Page of the First State Craft Guild website. Details can be added later but please provide as much as you can now. Profiles updates will happen monthly. If you have any questions about the form or if you have any issues with the form you can email FirstStateCraftGuild@gmail.org directly. Thank you very much!

    Please fill out the form below and submit. Member Updates Happen Monthly.

    Artist Name:(required)

    Artist Title:(required)

    Artist Email:(required)

    Alternative Email:(required)

    Your Business/Professional Name:

    List your Art Mediums separated by comma.

    Artist Phone Number:

    Studio/Business Address (Street, City, State, Zip):

    Artist Website:

    List your Social Media Account URLs.


    List other Organizations you're a part of...

    Artist Bio: Please tell us about yourself, your formal training, your medium or preferred style, etc. Give us a solid 1-2 paragraphs about you as an artist.

    Portfolio Images Please upload 3 images to be used on your Membership page. These are examples your work/style. Images need to be horizontal, 600px on the shortest side, and at least 300dpi. Not to be larger than 700KB in file size. Accepted file types are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .pdf.

    Image 1:
    Image 2:
    Image 3: