Val Walton


Art Mediums: Acrylics on Canvas, Multi-Medium Paintings

Business: Val Walton Art

Phone: (302) 690-1297

Studio Address: 54 Savoy Road, Newark, DE, 19702

Facebook: @ValWalton
Instagram: @ValWaltonArt

Newark Arts Alliance
First State Craft Guild
Delaware Foundation for the Visual Arts
Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen

About the Artist

A visit to Hawaii stole my heart and I have been painting Hawaiian themed paintings ever since! Sunsets are my specialty. I frequently use a variety of fan brushes to move the acrylic paints around creating unique blends and textures. With Covd-19 keeping us home this past year, painting bright, peaceful water scenes lets me escape into my ‘happy place’. Some paintings also include accented areas by adding a variety of mediums to them. One example I’ve used is mixing Carbon Black acrylic paint and Fiber Paste to create textured lava rocks.

I have been painting with acrylics and using mediums for 7+ years, however, my first interest in painting began in high school. After raising two sons, I am now able to dedicate more time to painting.